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Herrington Harbour Sailing Association
Promoting sailing on Herring Bay and beyond

Racing Crew Finder

Get some RC experience
Peter Dezendorf

The RC training on April 19th is certain to be comprehensive. But afterwards, how to get experience? Here is one way:

I have signed up my boat, Firth of Tay, as the RC boat for the Series 1 races 2 and 3 (May 10th and 17th). I will be the Principal Race Officer (PRO) and we will divide the duties as we motor out to establish the starting line. Join me!

I have moderate experience and I am hoping we can get one of the members with a lot of PRO experience to join us.

Update: I now have the 10th covered, so still need crew for the 17th.

Update: I now have crew for the 17th as well.

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