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Herrington Harbour Sailing Association
Promoting sailing on Herring Bay and beyond
HomeHHSA Racing Program


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Herrington Harbour Sailing Association's Racing is an ideal program for both novice and experienced sailors.  HHSA Racing promotes friendly competition while testing the skills of the skipper and crew. 

Set on Herring Bay in the middle Chesapeake just outside of Washington, DC, we offer a wide range of races.  Each week from May to September, we run Wednesday Night Races from our 360 degree course book.  On weekends, our races are longer and include destination races for overnighting.

HHSA's racing fleets include Spinnaker, Non-Spinnaker Cruising, and Non-Spinnaker Racing. Starts have three to ten boats on the line.  We also track the results of our Shorthanders (single or doublehanded boats). This provides racing to fit your boat and your crew.

HHSA is a member of US Sailing and a member club of Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association. Races are governed by US Sailing's Racing Rules of Sailing, 2021-2024 (RRS).  These affiliations provide eligibility for CBYRA High Point Awards
For further information about the racing program contact the Rear Commodore of Racing

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2021-05-26 Wednesday Series 1 Race 5

New Racers

HHSA has a dynamic program for introducing skippers and crews to racing.  It includes a variety of seminars, practice races, race committee training and mentoring, as well as the best racing venue on the Chesapeake.

To get on the course or just to learn more, attend our New Racer Seminars or contact the Rear Commodore for racing at

New Racer Frequently Asked Questions

Article: How to Race Your Cruiser

Article: CBYRA New Racer Tips

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Herrington Harbour Marina
Ritter Realty
Ullman Sails
Yacht Canvas, Inc.

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