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Herrington Harbour Sailing Association
Promoting sailing on Herring Bay and beyond

Racing Discussions

Annapolis To Bermuda 2024 Tracker
Doug Ellmore, Sr.

live tracker at

Race starts Friday June 7, at 1:30 pm.

Additional general info about the race at


Thanks Doug. We will keep an eye on you and the rest of the HHSA Offshore Team!

Good Luck! πŸ€

Deck Boss

Jim Bradshaw

Thanks, Doug. We will be following you and the other HHSA boats on your journey.

Be safe and sail fast!


Jim Watson
Yes, all the best!  We look forward to tracking the HHSA boats and hearing the stories when you get back.  Safe travels!

Take care
m: 703-969-7287

Godspeed to all HHSA participants!

Gerry Perez
Good luck to all, and be safe.


The A2B Racers are out in the Atlantic!

YB show Bay Retriever as part of the north group and 1st in Line Honors and 1st ORC1. Allegiant was first in both early this afternoon closer to the rhumb line. Aurora is leading the southern group and currently 3rd.

But it’s a horse race πŸ‡ 🐎 πŸ‡ Although they are in 3 different groupings north to south, they are within a mile of each other distance to finish. Everyone is betting on their weather choice.

Revolution is 5th in ToT division passing several larger boats before leaving the Bay. πŸ‡

I Posted an album of the start and photos from the Happy Place photo boat as they passed Herring Bay.

Annapolis to Bermuda 2024 Album

More updates asI get them.



Bay Retriever with the Sunday Gulf Stream update !

Current breakage list:

1 solenoid for LP

1 halyard spin of 2

2 tack attach on bow sprit

A spin sheet by Prag

Annapolis girls hearts by Prag

Secondary water tank leak

Current Line Honors Place

Allegiant 6th overall- 378 miles to go

Bay Retriver 9th- 384 miles

Revolution 17th - 455 miles

YouTubez: A2B Day 2


They seem to be keeping busy in BR. Here is the start from Day 1 of A2B

Youtube: A2B Day 1


A2B Day 3 Update.

Information is a more scattered today. No video reports or photos. The YB tracker shows Verissimo leading the fleet with 140 miles togo for line honors. Pride of Baltimore with Joe Navarra is only 6 miles behind but is further north.

Allegiant has 171 miles and is 5 for line honors and 3rd in ORC. Bay Retriever has 218 miles and 14th for line honors and 4 in ORC. Revolution has 298 miles to go and is 17th in line honors and 6th ToT.

Based on boat speeds, it looks like the boats further east are getting more wind. Overnight the wind will be getting lighter and more out of the south. Nice reaches but not the big wind they have been having.

Get there fast racers. You might not have much left when you get to Bermuda.

Deck Boss


Now we know. Monday was a STORMY day. 53 knots or so for 12 hours. Word from Bay Retriever is that the stove solenoid broke so they heated chili on the Volvo. Spirits are high!

But Tuesday, the sun came up and boats have been speeding along. Including the First Finishers! Line Honors goes to VERISSIMO finishing first!

Allegiant finished at 3d 23h 21m 9s

Bay Retriever has 42 miles to go.

Revolution is 123 miles left,

Pride of Baltimore retired 2nd for line honors and is in Bermuda.

The last boat is Iris a Tartan 34 still 234 miles to go. Fair winds


Congratulations to HHSA racers doing the A2B!  Sounds like it has been a challenging race.




Congratulations to the HHSA Offshore Teams. Welcome to Bermuda!

Deck Boss

Jim Watson
Well done all!!!

Take care
m: 703-969-7287

Doug Ellmore, Sr.

REVOLUTION is home in the slip. Amazing experience. We were close to tanking higher, but with 70 nm to go, the breeze dropped off for us.

We left Bermuda on the 18th double handed home. 30kt on our nose leaving was a HUGE challenge. With the following two days 25kts and confused seas on our beam. Then no wind for the next 24 hrs, then a dadh to the gulf stream to catxh 18-20 kt sw breeze crossing.

I was able to take a dip in the ocean after the crossing and then work our way home up the bay the next two days.

Oh so much more to say. But it is great to be done with that and be home!




Jim Watson

Amazing!!! And Congratulations!!! What an adventure, and glad you are back safely. Look forward to hearing more stories.

Take care


Congratulations. What an experience!


Welcome back Doug and Revolutions! Well done.

See you Wednesday Night! πŸ˜‰

Deck Boss

Kevin Sherwood

Bay Retriever made it home Friday afternoon. After a quick stop at HHS for steak tacos at Ketch, we were safely in our slip by 5 pm.

During the race, some time between 3 days close reaching on starboard and the excessive heel we had taking the main down in 56 knots we took a bunch of seawater into our fuel tank, probably from the vent. The engine ran great for charging during the race, but after our exciting finish crossing tacks and passing Leopolis in the last two miles, we had issues starting and no power. I tried emptying the fuel water separator but soon saw seawater at the bleed screw. We got towed in to St George's, had the fuel system cleaned, then discovered we needed new injectors.

I flew home two weeks ago, Voss Marine in Annapolis had the last 3 injectors on the planet overnighted from the main warehouse in Belgium, and I flew back the next day to get things prepped for the turnaround. The crew flew out last Saturday, we had dinner, then got started Sunday morning on our way back.

Because we were so focused on engine and rig issues we never really got to wash the boat down. That became immediately apparent as the vang expressed its displeasure quite loudly with the amount of salt on the springs. A quick disconnect and flush with precious fresh water and we were back underway.

As expected, Monday night into Tuesday we hit the front that later reached the tail of the Newport fleet. Sustained high 20s, lightning all around, indescribable noises below deck, a fairly typical ocean crossing. At least we were still close reaching.

Finally the winds settled and we had a decent Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday night.

Winds built as we reached through the stream, giving us 2 hours of sustained 26s, and several hours over 20. We also hit the wind shift to the northwest while still in the stream, giving us confused waves from two directions.

Near the end, the winds dropped to 6 knots. If you've never been in waves leftover from 20+ knots with almost no wind, it's hard to describe how much it sucks. We motored for quite a while with the main down - the slapping back and forth from the rocking is awful otherwise.

Thursday the winds finally broke, giving us glassy conditions as we motored into the Chesapeake. We got to dodge "Navy Warship 7" (USS IWO JIMA) a few times, but an otherwise uneventful trip.

Friday we were expecting winds to build first from the north then quickly shift to the west. The northerly start was there, but the 15-17 the forecast called for was closer to 22-25, with a waterspout in the squall a few miles west of us. We unfurled part of the jib and were finally back sailing after nearly a full day of motoring. The winds kept dropping to the low teens, we got the main up, and had a great ride up the Bay, the last few hours under Code 0 reaching at 7-9 knots in 8-11 knots of wind.

Aside from the delays getting home, we have a few minor running rigging things to address, but we're excited to return to racing next week! Long term, we'll add a second fuel water separator to prevent the engine issues, and we have a few other quality of life improvements we're discussing.

Bay Retriever was one of the smallest boats in the fleet (second only to Revolution), but she handled everything thrown at her like a champ.

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