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Herrington Harbour Sailing Association
Promoting sailing on Herring Bay and beyond

Racing Discussions

7/17 WNR Abandoned
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Sholeh and Racers--

I know I don't race these days, but I will say I truly appreciate the thought that went into this. I remember a lot of RC discussions along the lines of "we COULD get a race in..." and the discussion stopped there. Little or no thought given to the 30+ minutes to get back into the dock, which is arguably more dangerous.

Food for thought in the future for everyone, especially those who may be relatively new to the area: weather in the Chesapeake Bay is notoriously difficult to predict. However, in the Summer one thing you can virtually guarantee is that as soon as the leading edge of an easterly-traveling weather system starts to "touch" the warm bay water (and the saturated air immediately over it), you get something similar to a turbo-charger effect for weather, which actually happens at elevation (so before we start to feel the effects on the surface). Good on the Blue Dolphin crew for watching the radar and seeing it happen... things change fast this time of year!


Good call.

Hi HHSA Racers,

I was asked to share the decision making process so here goes. I starting looking at weather information at mid day. That included NOAA marine forecast, AccuWeather,, Windfinder, and Windy. Of concern was the severe thunderstorm watch forecasted to come from west to east with a cold front that was expected to hit our hot weather from the last few days and produce low visibility of 1NM or less, heavy winds, and of course lightning. I also read some news station reports that these systems had just hit the Midwest and caused some damage.

I called Mark around 3 to talk through protocol for severe weather and concluded that this decision would need to be made later on water as radar became more accurate.

Leaving the dock at about 5:15, what we saw on radar was severe weather hitting at about 7:45 or 8. As we motored out we were looking at setting up for course H short and even starting closer to G1 for further shortening. I got on the radio to make clear that we were getting set up and the primary goal was to get everyone complete by 7:30 so that all could safely avoid predicted weather.

Some minutes later as we were getting my flags set up bc I forgot the RC flag bag, one of our radar watching crew noted that he saw the weather coming in sooner. We took a look at it showed arrival at 7:30. Looking around on the water we also saw storm clouds to the west. We talked thru among our crew how long it takes to get back to south and north and determined that we would need to have everyone done by 7 and that was not possible, so I then made the call over the radio that we were abandoning the race and heading back to the dock, due to the weather coming in earlier. I think the time was just before 6pm.

Hanging out in the cockpit after, I think the first rain drops and lightning showed up just after 7.

A little sad not to hold a race and enjoy the full race committee time with all on board, but ultimately a safety call.


S/V Blue Dolphin

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