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Herrington Harbour Sailing Association
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Racing Discussions

Presentation on the 2025-2028 RRS
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In the Spring Rules seminar, I want to focus on the rules in general and call out changes. US Sailing has a changes document that should simplify doing that.

I’m thinking we might touch on the protest hearing process. There were a number of questions and interest in last year’s hearings.

What else would you like to see in our rules seminar?

Deck Boss


We had signed up and then life took over. I thought it would be minor but now I feel lucky I didn't waste my time.

Have a great weekend 

I listened in for both sessions. Dave was pretty upfront about the changes being minor, but it did make it very hard to pay attention. The 2nd general Q&A session was a bit better but overall I'm not sure what I got out of it.

Nothing against Dave at all, but may have been better as a general rules refresher that highlighted the minor changes vs focusing on just the changes.

Andy Harvey

1990 Ericson Olson 911S #149 Hawkeye

That was disappointing.

On the rules which had a change that was significant, Dave did a good job presenting it. A little too much "the old rules says", "the new rule says", but OK.

What bothered me was over half of the rules he discussed had no real change. The wording was different (and clearer), but the impact on racing was nil. Too much time on "changes" that not real changes.

Thanks Peter.

Dave is great. I'm also working on a presenter for a rules seminar for Feb or March.

Deck Boss

For those who did not get the email notice:

CBYRA is sponsoring a two session presentation by Dave Perry on the 2025-2028 RRS with emphasis on the changes from the previous RRS. January 22nd and 23rd at 7:30 to 9:00 PM Eastern.

This is free to CBYRA members and PHRF members. You are a member of one or the other, or both, right?

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