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Herrington Harbour Sailing Association
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HomeEventsWomen Underway - Keep That Winch Working!

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Women Underway - Keep That Winch Working!

Date and Time

Saturday, October 8, 2022, 11:00 AM until 1:30 PM


HHN-Flagpole/patio at HHN Office (near E dock and travel lift)
HHN & HHS Marina
389 Deale Rd
Tracys Landing, MD  20779

Event Contact(s)

Jayne Durden
412-310-3041 (p)
4123103041 (c)


Women's Events

Registration Info

Registration is required

About this event

Women sailors, come to a great Women Underway workshop where we show you how to tear down a winch, grease and oil it, replace any parts and then put it all back together again. Come and learn how to do this essential annual maintenance task so you can prep your boat for the 2023 season.

We'll be doing this on 2 Women Underway boats, Happy Place and Laughing Spirit, and will break into groups to (literally) get your hands dirty and maintain a winch.

See the source image

Meet up at the flagpole at Herrington North and we will assign you all to groups.  

Once we are done, we will meet up for a picnic lunch (exact location weather dependent).  Please bring a plate to share. 

As with all Women Underway events, this is open to women sailors who are HHSA members and non-members
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Herrington Harbour Marina
Ritter Realty
Ullman Sails
Yacht Canvas, Inc.

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